One of the ultimate superheroes from the Marvel Comics and Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron-Man, alias Tony Stark (played by actor Robert Downey Jr) is the leader of the Avengers. As seen in movies Iron-Man (2008), Iron-Man 2 (2010), The Avengers (2012), Iron-Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and in his grand finale, in Avengers: Endgame (2019), he is known for his arc reactor and metallic armour suit in crimson and gold. His suit gives him super powers and was designed by the intelligent Engineer, Tony Stark. Includes jumpsuit and mask.
Refund Policy
OUR 14 DAY GUARANTEE You can return any item bought at Loud to us within fourteen days of receipt and get a refund or have the item exchanged. You can return it because you simply don't like it, because it didn't fit, because of a manufacturing fault or because we sent an item in error. Simply return it to us at:
Returns Dept Universal House Pennywell Road Bristol BS5 0ER United Kingdom
and we'll sort out the exchange or refund. Please remember to enclose your contact details and why you are returning the item to us.
BEYOND OUR 14 DAY GUARANTEE PERIOD Sadly once the 14 day guarantee period has passed we can only accept items back that clearly have manufacturing faults. We aren't able to take back items that don't fit, where shipped wrongly or you simply didn't like once our guarantee period has ended. If your item has a manufacturing fault return it to the address above detailing the problem and we'll do our best to resolve it for you.
ORDERING AT CHRISTMAS Worried about needing to return a item you’ve ordered after the festive break? At Loud we extend our 14-day returns period at Christmas, so that any items ordered in December can be returned until 15 January, subject to our standard exceptions.
EXCEPTIONS TO RETURNS POLICY There are one or two exceptions to our returns policy. Sadly we aren't able to accept returned items that have clearly been worn and washed (unless there is a manufacturing fault with them) or are soiled or dirty. We can't accept items back that (in our opinion) have been deliberately damaged or have been subject to excessive wear and tear. All returned items must be in un-worn condition and should be returned with the original packaging.